Lehtësim i garantuar për duar jashtëzakonisht të thata dhe të plasaritura.

Lëkura e thatë dhe e plasaritur mund të shkaktojë shqetësim veçanërisht për punëtorët të cilët çdo ditë i sforcojnë duart e tyre dhe në asnjë moment nuk mund ti kenë ato të shëndetshme. Kjo është arsyeja pse ne kemi vendosur të bëjmë një produkt posaçërisht për ata njerëz.

Kremi i duarve O’Keeffe’s Working Hands jo vetëm që plotëson nivelet e lagështisë në lëkurë duke e hidratuar atë, por gjithashtu i siguron lëkurës mbrojtjen që i nevojitet. Pa yndyrë dhe pa aromë, formula jonë hidratuese funksionon aq fort sa mund të keni rezultate shumë të kënaqshme.



We developed O’Keeffe’s Working Hands specifically for the people who need it most. Our highly-concentrated unique formula was developed to hydrate and relieve the skin to provide long-lasting moisturisation for even the most severe cases of dry, cracked hands.

When the skin’s upper layers are disrupted and damaged, it has a much harder time holding onto the hydration it needs to stay healthy. This leads to dry, cracked and painful skin. O’Keeffe’s Working Hands not only prevents moisture loss from occurring, but it also draws moisture into the skin to get your hands back into working shape, quickly. The protective barrier seals in the hydration for long-lasting relief.

For best results, use O’Keeffe’s Working Hands throughout the day as needed. Apply sparingly, a little goes a long way!

Guaranteed Relief for Extremely Dry, Cracked Hands.

From builders to nurses, busy parents to beauticians; working with your hands all day, every day can be pretty tough on the skin. Dry, cracked skin can cause discomfort especially for workers who rely day-to-day on their hands. That’s why we set out to make a product specifically for those people.

O’Keeffe’s Working Hands hand cream not only replenishes the moisture levels in the skin, but also provides the skin with the protection it needs. Non-greasy and unscented, our seriously hydrating formula works as hard as you do.




Informacion Shtesë

Informacion Shtesë
